But it’s still fucking amazing and jokerfying that biden is the fucking guy this decaying empire coughed up during its death rattle to oversee the continuing and accelerating decline.

Real last days of rome shit. Actually, it’s too much even for that. If someone was making a movie about the fall of rome and the emperor was portrayed as a doddering old decrepit fuck like Biden people would say it was a little much.

It’s still astounding that they couldn’t find another smooth talking neoliberal ghoul ANYWHERE. Couple that with Pelosi’s fucking “good morning, Sunday morning” gaffe, the fact that Feinstein apparently doesn’t know what planet she’s on, and then multiple senators and congresspeople are apparently on Alzheimer’s medication. The absolute state of bourgeois democracy. incredible.

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    What gets me is that the upcoming administration and Sleepy Joe himself have been killing any amount of optimism Progressives had (or really, anyone who isn’t a “bruncher”) in the weeks leading up to his inauguration.

    Undoing Trump’s disastrous border policies and putting a leash on ICE? That will come... eventually. A reexamination of our foreign policy? How about a continuation of “tough on Russia/China” fearmongering and support for interventionism instead? (Without even bothering to find better puppets than Venezuelan Beto) M4A? Eh, we got bigger things to worry about than some pipe dream, at least that’s what our corporate sponsors say.

    At least Obama put in some effort to keep up the progressive grift. Now, the Dems have come to the realization that being anti-Drumpf xD gives them a blank check to continue the status quo going forward as long as they still offer empty promises of reform and the usual platitudes.