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The moderator guy waxing nostalgic about Gamergate shit in his post about the deletion
"Exodus from 4chan" "Anita" "Literally Who"
Can 2014 end already, I beg you, please end it
Edit: Also they're really mad about the Watkins' not deleting leftypol
Just goes to show what I've known for years, fucking Gamergate was the origin of so much of this stupid shit, can you fucking imagine, it breaks my brain
[Steve] Bannon had actually spent about a year in the mid-2000s in Hong Kong as the CEO of this bizarre video game company. The company didn’t actually make video games, what it did was try to profit from something called gold-mining, where you have players go in to these games, win gold and special armor and prizes, and then go sell it to gamers in the real world so they can kind of cheat and skip ahead a couple of levels.
This was a serious business, it was actually backed by Goldman Sachs, but it crashed and went bankrupt because the gamers themselves who weren’t cheating became enraged basically that these other people were doing, they put so much pressure on the gaming companies. The gamers organized themselves on these “World of Warcraft” message boards. They put so much pressure on the video game companies, that they decided to basically ban gold-farming, which killed Bannon’s business, but it awakened him to the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online. And five years later when Bannon wound up at Breitbart, he resolved to try and attract those people over to Breitbart because he thought they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way. And the way that Bannon did that, the bridge between the angry abusive gamers and Breitbart and Pepe was Milo Yiannopoulous, who Bannon discovered and hired to be Breitbart’s tech editor.
From the time I met him in 2011, he’s had exactly the same politics. The same stuff you heard from Trump, you saw on the campaign trail.
It very much was the big warning shot about what was simmering just underneath the surface, which Trump tapped directly into
It's not and the game she made was trash and her sleeping with the reviewers so they could give good reviews to her trash game should have been made fun off, but at the same time imagining journalists, especially fucking video game journalists have any morals but also who gives a fuck.
The day I can't make fun of someone for sleeping their way to success is the day society has failed. Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown to get her career ahead. That is all
All in all, stop being clinically online.
the game she made was trash an her sleeping with the reviewers so they could give good reviews to her trash game should have been made fun of
This literally never happened and was made up by smoothbrained morons on 4chan
I saw the tapes so what say you? It was like the Patterson–Gimlin Bigfoot footage, but pretty authentic. Also who gives a fuck, an idiotic spat between former lovers was then turned into some really important thing when everyone was interested in extending the drama as it was profitable for everyone involved.
The only thing gamergate was was the point at which the wild west nature of the internet disappeared and the general obsession of society and the structures that govern it, ala politics, etc., with politeness. I grew up on an internet where I would be called slurs or insulted on the daily on obscure Russian forums which shall not be named, in the spirit of friendly negativity. Whether you think that is good or bad, I am not arguing about that but it is how it is what it is.
As far as I know the "game" in question was never reviewed* on Kotaku or whatever website people were brandishing their pitchforks and torches at, merely mentioned in an article as something interesting that people should check out. Apparently the writer of that article knew the person who made the game, which made a bunch of people on /v/ and kotakuinaction very mad
*it was more of a free interactive browser game/art piece/thing, so it was never sold and as such never reviewed in traditional games media
Good one, smart decision btw to delete all the posts on the other website with the slurs you seem very comfortable using.
Nice one again, it's not like you haven't used that before 100 times and I know exactly what you posted Anyway, we can continue playing this game of " I have no idea what you are talking about". It's not gonna lead anywhere, so what do you want this time?
I actually dove in with a VPN etc and have so many amazing pictures I'm editing so I can put on chapo
Q is just covering their tracks, don't COPE patriots!!! :rage-cry:
This is honestly very surprising to me. I guess Jim Watkins decided there was nothing left to grift there.
didn't they spin off from 4chan because 4chan (of all places) wasn't accommodating enough to fascists and pedophiles?
says a lot about how many people have turned against Qanon that even these people aren't cool with it anymore
yeah they tried to be all extra "free speech" about it and pretend posting shit like that was normal
the first big migration to 8chan was after the mods of 4chan decided Gamergate had outstayed its welcome.
it's pretty weird though, because the 8chan/kun folks are Q. kinda wonder what grift they'll move to next tbh
I predict we're gonna see a wave of 'My grandpa/qanon relative finally logged off and came down the stairs to normality and common sense policies' articles over the next few months.
Dominoes. "Stuffed crust."
Why does "POTUS Biden" surround himself with military? Do you believe that's his face he's wearing? Fantasy.
Why have QAnon board when there will soon be no need for it?
Bernie. Follow the mittens.
Who never announced his VP pick? Do you think Lady Gaga being at the inauguration is a coincidence?
God bless fellow Patriots.
turns out the storm was just a really pissed off mod on the forums all along
lots of people are commenting stuff like "ahaha the grift is falling apart!" but this happening on the day Trump leaves office tells me that Q really was a White House psyop the whole time, a way to drum up support for Trump by turning right-wing conspiracy theory culture into a unified political force again.
they succeeded so hard that the people they duped try to storm the capitol building and then Biden shut the operation down day one. maybe one day it will all be declassified and we'll learn the truth.
If you're right about that I'd be pretty surprised if it were ever declassified.
Honestly pretty devastating if it’s been legit deleted, to the point that I kinda feel bad.
Like, it’s a a 100% certainty some people spent 1000+ hours doing amateur sleuthing into absolute fantasies and kept “receipts”, only to have it vanish lol
Take this fucking thing for example. I’d feel pretty shitty if I dedicated a bunch of really weird energy to projects like that and the place vanished. And there’s fucking tons of em
Freemasons as the source of all the branches
This is so fucking boring lmao, they couldn't even come up with something original
No it was the mod of one of the Qanon boards deleting the posts, also it isn't accessible only on TOR, the board is already back up and fine now (it's also the most active board right now with 4k+ unique posters in last 72 hours)
With the nature of 8chan (think reddit anyone can make a board) this means little they would just create a new board but it seems like the mod got kicked off.