No examination of what might lead a person to become receptive to reactionary right-wing ideology, nope, they're just Bad People because if they weren't Bad People they wouldn't be racist

  • Tatoes [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I don't think it was that large and that statement really demands some factual evidence to back it up.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      There was talk about the unexpected diversity of the crowds in the past summer's Q/Save the Children demonstrations and also how forms of Q spread among people like TikTok teens and yoga enthusiasts, but you're probably right, I imagine the vast majority of the movement is still very white

      Maybe a better example would be Western Muslims who become ensnared by reactionary Islamist groups

      • Tatoes [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        The broad point I'm trying to make is that it is the prevailing cultural majority that retreats to fascism. They choose to adopt a political ideology that reinforces their biases and reaffirms their perceived racial/cultural superiority. Minorities don't tend to break in that direction because they (especially in the US) never believed the lie of the American dream to begin with. They never become disillusioned and seduced by fascist ideology because they never were afforded the opportunity to participate in the cultural myth that fascism perpetuates to begin with

        Exerting your limited time trying to understand or deprogram the fascistic alienated white-nationalists who swim in the waters of nazi propaganda (which is what Q is) is a waste of your fucking time, especially when there is a sea of disenfranchised and downtrodden minorities and non-racist whites who could more easily be won over to your socialist leanings. AND...using your political power to lift those minorities and non racist whites out of poverty with broad social programs would also raise the conditions of the fascists on the right, which would in turn suck the energy out of their movement. Trying to coddle them like little misunderstood babies who need to be told that racism and genocide is bad is a waste of our time when we could just address their (and everyone else's) material needs instead.

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I don't really care much for existing fascist sympathisers- I'm more concerned about identifying the non-racist white to fascist pipeline and plugging it, and you already proposed several good solutions

        • purr [undecided]
          4 years ago

          i completely agree. although some libs online are now showing their inability to nuance their understanding of Q and the white people who follow it, they put alot of energy over the last 4 years of going into these rural areas, doing think piece and profile and book after book analyzing why these white people are racist and why they voted for trump. it can be argued that their analysis wasnt effective or well meaning but i havent seen similar effort given to understanding the perspective marginalized communities. this past summer when white people read books written by white people as a vanity contest only to encourage their own personal growth rather than to actually look at their own racism, doesnt count

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Doesn't that just show that people aren't immune to being swept up by reactionary movements, especially if some of the overt racism is sanded down

    • aru [they/them,any]
      4 years ago

      From page 111 of this PDF: