Address to send food and coffee:

772 Edgewater Rd

Bronx, NY 10474

(Thanks guys and yes this address is public too so no worries)

These strikers (1400 strong) were not even compensated an extra $1 per hour while being responsible for 60% of NYC’s fresh produce and providing produce for 30 million+ people in the NYC area. They’ve worked long and dangerous hours during the pandemic with no compensation and they are standing up!

Link to the tweet

You should all be aware that instead of public I accidentally wrote pubic at first. Call the volcel police on me please

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In Canada last year, there were rail blockades by indigenous groups in protest of a pipeline being built through unceded land (more info here:

    The media narrative targeted the legitimacy of the protests by trying to claim that the leadership of the various peoples had agreed, and most people fell in line behind that narrative. After a little while of stalling and saying "We can do this peacefully!", Trudeau sent in the pigs to forcibly dismantle the protests.

    From my limited perspective: Your average NDPer (SocDems) were annoyed at packages being delayed a couple days, and generally sided with the cops.

    Your average Liberal were deepthroating the boot and trembling in fear of the line going down.

    Your average Conservative was basically saying we should kill anyone who protests oil.

    Basically, it all comes down to the portrayal of the movement by the media. If they can discredit it, or even just muddy the waters enough, people will be neutral at best.