from the nyt coverage

  • cum_on_jack [any]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, given that the distibution is going to fall onto an uncoordinated clusterfuck of local authorties there's no fucking way 100M people get vaccinated in the next 3 months. That would require massive investment in public health care infrastructure -- and frankly, even if a huge chunk of the 2T stimulus went to expanding public health services, I dont see us revamping our entire health care system in 3 months by (checks notes) giving private, for-profit entities a shitload of no-strings-attached bailout money. You know who COULD revamp the shit out of their infrastructure during a pandemic, though??? :xi:

    What we're about to see is another laughably transparent tax-funded check to giant corporations, who we've mysteriously put in charge of managing our entire economy even though no one elected them to do so, and we'll get an economic "recovery" just like we got in 2009, i.e. working class people will continue to be evicted from their homes and probably desperately flock to sectors like the gig economy in lieu of any actual stimulus, where - thanks to the pieces of shit on the Biden advisery board - they will enjoy less access to health care and job security then we've had in like 100 years.

    Oh, and ofc Biden will find a way to blame literally everybody else, including Donald Trump, when April rolls around and the numbers are still dog shit
