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  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    At some point you need to self-crit your puritanical views and privilege.

    Communists struggle against appeals to either morality (morals change) or puritanism or hedonism. But Communists aim also at de-commodifying the human body which turns desire and human interaction into a financial exchange. The sex industry and sex work is not liberating as some boogie radlibs tell us but instead recreates bourgeois values and ideology: bourgeois men love the sex trade as it allows them easy access to subordinated women. You only need look at the entire tourism industries catered to white colonial men getting access to young women like the Phillipines or Thailand or parts of Africa - who's access to Philipino/Thai women is directly tied to US imperialism, the US military bases installed worldwide and USs monopoly capitals power to remove entire countries from the worldmarket that do not tow the line (DPRK/Cuba/Venezuela/Iran)

    Under capitalism I agree that sex work is as alienating and damaging as say being a coal miner (who wrecks their body by middle age).

    However, sex work is reactionary. It is an industry of rape of subordinated women. Communists dont struggle against it because it is "immoral" but because it reproduces the bourgeois values and ideology that we wish to overthrow. There's a reason every existing socialist state outlawed prostitution. There's a trend in 'left' circles to refold sexual exploitation back into "wokeness".

    Now I'm neither against alcohol or drugs (nor sex work) taken on their own terms. However a brief look through history we can see how imperialism was able to subjugate entire regions by flooding countries with drugs or alcohol. The same can be said of the sex industry that forces entire nations to cater to sex tourist perverts in the Philipines/Thailand/Africa and S America.

    From the opium wars in China to the Native reservations in US/Canada/Aus where communities are ruined by alcohol to the sex tourism catered to balding white people in Thailand and the Phillipines

    Under those conditions I hundred percent agree with Mao forcing tens of millions of drug addicts into compulsory treatment (using repression where needed) and the rounding up and execution of drug dealers. And I 100 percent agree with their zero tolerance on drugs in 2020 because the CIA has flooded South America/Afghanistan/Yugoslavia with drugs to not only destabilise and destroy those peoples but to use the drug money to finance those overthrows of remotely leftist governments.

    If we take that same lens to analyse sex work we can look at the BBC and a documentary they did a few years ago. Reggie Yates explains to the camera that "Russias education is very, very good" as teenagers huddle together in underwear for a chance to be picked as a model.

    "And in Soviet times these girls would've had to go to university get a degree and get a job. But they can earn far more than a doctor by being a model."

    Reggie Yates, being a liberal, though conflicted at seeing literal children parade themselves in underwear for perverts doesn't quite realise what he's saying yet reveals the liberal nature of value: that girls getting as educated as possible and working in a productive job (like an engineer/doctor etc.) holds no value to him because, for liberals, labour and education are commodities to be bought and sold. "Why even get an education if you cannot profit from it?" is the liberals refrain. You hear this all the time when people study something other than STEM.

    Growing up in Britain I would oft hear remarks against Germans how they "loved scat" (sexual play with excrement). It was a kind of inside joke that German people loved scat porn because they were weird. There were multiple references to it in many TV shows/jokes etc.

    It wasn't until I was older and learned how West Germany annexed East Germany shipped all of it's industry out of East Germany into West Germany which then forced women with masters degrees into the sex industry where monopoly capital would flood. Forcing women into performing these acts for the perverts in France/Britain and USA.

    We see again, the imperialist nature of monopoly capital subordinating a population - using the very legalised sex trade in Germany.

    • Sealand_macronation [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Good post, put it in /c/history please

      the rounding up and execution of drug dealers

      ironically socialists hate poor people more than their neocolonial business partners who export those drugs in the first place! Reminds me that bit about fascism "treating internal contradictions as an external threat that must be eliminated"

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        You should read about, what Chinese people refer to, as their 100 years of humiliation comrade

        Where, thanks to the British empire (and france and US) the entire country was awash with opium and the average life expectancy was 39. Where special crews of street cleaners would come in the morning to pick up the dead bodies who died from opium and malnutrition during the night.

        Yes I support Mao doing that in the 1950s

        It is a different context of drug dealers in imperialist countries (and even then some of the context is the same as the ruling class used crack to destroy the black minority in USA)