at least then I could directly piss bougie libs off by coating shit and reminding them nothing completely makes them as trancendingly elite as they think they are
plus being inanimate sounds amazing at this point in history
more like hundreds of thousand of years - millions of years
but if so at least you get revenge by killing the current version of organisms by polluting and killing on a mass extinction level like we are now to ourselves
at this point I would rather be dust
literal dust
at least then I could directly piss bougie libs off by coating shit and reminding them nothing completely makes them as trancendingly elite as they think they are
plus being inanimate sounds amazing at this point in history
maybe being dust but being like oil or lithium or something would suck shit
not really if you are inanimate you arent lucid, so human perceptions and thoughts of preferences dont matter
dust, lithium, etc its whatever
technically after (maybe a very short time cosmically the way theyre fucking things up) you will be oil someday
cannot wait to be burnt up and finally extinguished after combustion is rediscovered in 2854 AD
more like hundreds of thousand of years - millions of years
but if so at least you get revenge by killing the current version of organisms by polluting and killing on a mass extinction level like we are now to ourselves