so ive been raped twice before, it sucked. i hate seeing rape posts casually on my feed. its very distressing. so seeing a meme, even with a CW, can stress me out. specifically, i'm referring to the 'its day x and joe biden is still a rapist' meme. this meme sucks because it shows up in the feed and since most rape posts are comments embedded elsewhere, that means i can just avoid the comment sections of this site. however, this meme gets posted nearly every day and its just pure shock jock shit.

ive already considered leaving the site for this reason and i feel like it might be a real bar of entry for anyone that is a sexual violence victim here. im in a support group for SV and i remember when the kavanaugh hearings were all on TV, everyone was talking about how they had to keep TV's off and stick to the internet for entertainment, with heavy filters, and avoid politics altogether. so this isnt just me.

id like to ask the mods for help on this, please remove these sorts of posts featuring rape until we have a keyword filter. rape gets mentioned every couple of hours on this site and it feels like im going through a minefield. @TransComrade69 @Beatnik

also for the people posting the memes: this isnt really a diss on you, probably dont share memes like that though

and yeah, content warnings are awful, theyre either too vague or too specific and are useless for victims. ideally, sites should have keyword filters to hide content that mentions certain words.

  • wombat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I am in full support of a filtering system so that comrades do not have to see upsetting content if they do not want to.

    I am opposed in the strongest terms to instituting a ban on posts reminding people what Biden did to Tara Reade. She has been silenced, smeared, shamed, and shoved under the rug by every liberal dipshit in the West already, and to ignore her plea here too would be just one more act of erasure, one more muzzling of a victim. It is our duty as comrades to ALWAYS bring up the crimes of the ruling classes, and that includes sexual crimes. I have never joked or memed about Biden being a rapist; my posts are entirely sincere in their purpose of ensuring leftists do not forget, negate, ignore, or downplay his rape. Rapists, especially powerful rapists, must be named and shamed, always. Given that Biden is now the most powerful person in the world, the importance of reminding people of his sexual crimes is at an all-time high. Tara Reade wants her message out there (as do the other women who have accused Biden of misconduct), and so should we.

    This, of course, does not apply to the individual wishes of comrades who want to omit particular content from their feeds, which I believe the site should allow.

    • kronkfresh [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I agree with you 1000% but if we're at a crossroads where its bothering people on this site its not worth. Like, its an obscure website about communist parrots. We're not going to bring her justice, we're not changing the world (as a website I mean), we all know Biden is a rotten piece of shit. Please just lay off this one thing, for the sake of other victims who may not have gotten justice either.

      I like your posts comrade please don't die on this hill. :negative:

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      i agree with not deleting all tara reade posts as a permanent solution, but maybe, since youre a strong proponent of posting this sort of thing, you'd moderate a subcom or something for exposing politicians and their misconduct? then we could put it all in there for the time being