The Desolution of Yugoslavia

"socialism is when IMF loan"

The history of Yugoslavia since 1945 embraces a period of rapid economic, political, and social modernization reflected in urban and industrial growth, improvements in literacy and economic well-being, changes in the traditional patriarchal family structure, moderation of ethnic hostilities, and integration into the international economy.

However, in dialectical fashion, it also embraces a period of economic decline and intense ethnic reaction. In a very real sense, the route to the collapse of the Yugoslav federation, like the collapse of the Soviet federation, was paved by the policy toward nationalities that each had pursued, but it was precipitated by involvement in the global economy.

Please Read Kristina's Post, Thank you :heart-sickle:

The State and Revolution

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  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, I tend to be in mostly-male spaces in general (career and hobby wise especially) so I got so used to thinking of myself as The Token Girl(tm) on reddit since it had the same vibes

      • crime [she/her, any]
        4 years ago

        lol yeah, I'm a software engineer and there've been times in my career where I was the only woman in an engineering department with 20+ people in it. When I'm actively looking for jobs I like to track the ratio of "guys named <some generic white guy name like chris or matt>" to "all women" that I talk to, guess which usually wins