• gigglestick_tickles [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Roast me for being a big fat dumb ass, but like... are they reinforcing northern syria to defend Kurds? Cus like aren't Kurds pretty dope? literally any other reason I wouldn't defend.

    • Sprolicious [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It's more complex than that. I won't pretend to know everything about it, but I'll offer some insight.

      First of all, taking what you know about the pentagon, if that's what's being done, why is it being done? You and I both know that support for the Kurds is transactional. It's only done to further some nefarious end.

      For example, provoking erdogan so that putin does something and justifying nato awarding a contract to an american firm to....

      It's all bullshit. You can, I suppose, cheer on good things when they happen, but I think that's empty calories and not necessarily the most materialist or dialectic perspective.

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        it's not just empty calories; it makes you a willing accomplice when they pull shady crap. it makes you useful.

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      3 years ago

      No they're not, the SAA and SDF are allied forces with Russian military running interdiction between them

      The only (aside from ISIS remnants) hostile force in the area are the Turkish jihadists who took the Northern border, which means either the US has allied with Assad or they're there to destabilize the power balance in favor of Turkey, only two options

    • redthebaron [he/him]
      3 years ago

      like i am really wondering even if they do trully want to help, will it generate anything good at all like is there anything america could do on syria that is good because i don't think so at all