never trust someone who derogatorily refers to people as tankies, qiaocollective does seem to be better for anti imperialism
never trust someone who derogatorily refers to people as tankies, qiaocollective does seem to be better for anti imperialism
Wait, is qiaocollective bad? Or are they good? I've never heard of the other one, but read a lot of qiao
qiao is good, chuang isn't
I thought that was basically the consensus here? I haven't seen many or any references to the latter, and I'm pretty online. So these posts are definitely cherry picked.
oh my mistake, i was taking a break for a while then this was one of the first things that showed up lol
Yeah, there are like 10 posts that say anything about chuangcn and a couple of them are this thread lol
Good for calling it out though, I wouldn't have known.