I feel dehumanized by IdPol. All my coworkers stand around me and force me to do fortnite dances while saying "go white boy go"
This got me thinking about how black people must feel
So close
At my workplace, it has become very common for the words "straight," "white," and "man" to be used pejoratively
Waaaah i only had this one thing and now I'm just like all the other proles
Yeah we're all gonna have to suffer a lot more first. It took like 3 wars and a depression to make 1917 happen
Thats the problem though. Material conditions are always, always better if you are white. To the point where they are their own class almost. It isn't until they truly lose that status will they be able to join the proletariat. We can't fight for the lower class any more than the bourgeoisie can fight for us. You should check out Settlers by Sakai
A few weeks ago my POC coworker made a joke about me being white, then I made a self-depricating joke back at her and that was the end of it because racial jokes at my expense are objectively funny