I feel the need to point out for clarity that this Didn't Actually Happen and Hard Times is an Onion-like satire site.

  • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Making this about WSB shorting anything when they're currently celebrating that their actions are punishing short-sellers for being the kind of people who do do the kind of thing outlined in this headline seems like a take that was engineered to breed controversy online and I am not going to have any part of that.

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Read the article again. WSB is doing the same thing in this fictional scenario, driving the price up by taking long positions. Thus squeezing the short sellers out of the market by forcing them to cut their losses.

      Other users, mostly amateur day traders, began buying up corn futures at a rapid pace. This caused a massive spike in corn prices across all markets, leaving food manufacturers scrambling. Many were unable to secure enough corn to produce cereal, bread, tortillas, and artificial sweeteners found in thousands of foods and drinks.