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  • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    First, I want to say that I seefolks complaining about people moving like thousands of dollars, but I've not seen anyone on this website say they've done that. I just now scrolled thru some c/finance threads to double check. So I feel like there's a disconnect between (part of) the complaints and the reality, as least as I see it. Redditors are the ones throwing around thousands, not Chapos (HexBearians?), from what I see.

    With that said...

    And… we shouldn’t?

    No! It's incredibly divisive. Where does it end? If this isn't put in check, we're going to end up with some shit like people in the food comm shaming others for not buying the store brand ingredients, or the games comm for spending any time or money on games when that could be better spent! It's judgmental, holier-than-thou nonsense.

    If anyone did have thousands to gamble in this way, then, as has been said elsewhere ITT, hopefully they put some of any gains they get to beneficial causes.

    • Aredhels_Grace [they/them,none/use name]
      3 years ago

      First, I want to say that I see folks complaining about people moving like thousands of dollars

      I don't know about those people, my opinion is that spending any money on stocks at all is a waste of time, resources, and most likely a bunch of research that could be better spent on better things. I don't spend enough time on here to know how exactly prevalent it is, but it's all over the front page.

      No! It’s incredibly divisive.

      Being a Leftist is divisive... It's believing in building a plurality of solidarity among working people such that we can overthrow the current system and replace it with a better one. If that's not divisive I'm not sure I know what is haha

      Where does it end?

      I don't think most leftists are super unreasonable. I think if you spend extra money at the grocery store or on video games no one is gonna be very mad. If you're spending thousands on video games and spending your time on that rather than mutual aid, that's a different story. The key is moderation. But participation in the bourgeoisie system that is the stock market..? Why? What material benefit does that give us that spending that time and those resources on something else wouldn't? Putting $100 into the stock market is $100 you could use to set up or help maintain a community garden. Below a_blanqui_slate said both sides think the other is LARPing, which is fine as long as the work is getting done it doesn't matter what people think, but we're pretty disorganized here on the Left. I help run a Leftist group on my local Nextdoor and it only has 19 members. I put up flyers and barely get responses at all. There's 12k+ people on chapo, that alone should be enough for a few hundred people in every state to be able to get a movement going. To me, this sort of getting into the weeds of the stock market is just a waste of time that distracts from the goal.

      It’s judgmental, holier-than-thou nonsense.

      What I'm about to say is going to, most likely, sound exactly like that. I'm gonna say it anyway because I'm going through a manic episode and got drunk to cope.

      We should be judgemental. If all 12k+ people here on chapo worked on local organizing/mutual aid/making and throwing seed bombs of edible plants we could make a huge difference. The LARPing accusation should be leveled more often. Maybe it'll motivate people to go out and help. But if it doesn't and it turns people away that weren't doing anything anyway? Why do we care about those people in an online space?