That debate is just such a polar shift in my understanding of his understanding. Before that I had assumed that even if he's a fascist someone with a doctorate whose main enemy is Marxism would have actually read Marx or Marx-inspired academics after him. He's a tenured professor of psychology who has never read about the theory of alienation or Freudian psychoanalysis in action with Debord. My microeconomics professor, probably a Buttigieg voter, has at least read Society of the Spectacle and understood what Marxism is as an analytical tool even if they aren't a Marxist economist. But then he got on the stage and quoted page one of the Communist Manifesto and misunderstood it. It's such crying clown bullshit that I can't imagine taking him seriously. Even before he became the comatose addict who writes self-help books, even before his chaos dragon daughter and him went on an all-meat diet which cured depression, how can someone watch that debate and then see him as anything other than Joe Rogan without DMT. He's big dumb.
Debateguys desperate for dads.
That debate is just such a polar shift in my understanding of his understanding. Before that I had assumed that even if he's a fascist someone with a doctorate whose main enemy is Marxism would have actually read Marx or Marx-inspired academics after him. He's a tenured professor of psychology who has never read about the theory of alienation or Freudian psychoanalysis in action with Debord. My microeconomics professor, probably a Buttigieg voter, has at least read Society of the Spectacle and understood what Marxism is as an analytical tool even if they aren't a Marxist economist. But then he got on the stage and quoted page one of the Communist Manifesto and misunderstood it. It's such crying clown bullshit that I can't imagine taking him seriously. Even before he became the comatose addict who writes self-help books, even before his chaos dragon daughter and him went on an all-meat diet which cured depression, how can someone watch that debate and then see him as anything other than Joe Rogan without DMT. He's big dumb.