I don't need a job, I need money. The job is just the easiest way to get it. I fucking hate working. I hate the work, I hate having someone tell me what to do, I hate my coworkers, I hate having to get up to repeat the same day over and over and over and over. I hate having no time for myself after the work day is over. I hate the feeling of Sunday night. It's not like I can even afford anything either? How am I going to retire or buy a house? At best I can apply for the chance at another job in the same area paying the same wage doing the same work. At worst I can put my education to waste doing more grueling work for less pay. And then (since I live in Liberal Mountain, Idaho), I don't even get healthcare for """"""""""""less skilled""""""""""" work.

I don't want to do this shit. Why is there a celebration of putting people to work when work blows?! Why is there no concerted effort towards automating away the need for work?

  • vsaush [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Work if a fact of life even with high automation/organic composition of capital - someone has to program robots, someone has to maintain them, someone has to design and engineer them, in addition to whatever tasks are out of their scope still needing to be done. You clean your bathroom, you cook your food, you may contribute to open source software or volunteer in your community, you may contribute to an electoral campaign, there are many things you do because human labor is still needed and will likely remain needed for this century at least.

    We dont need full automation to reduce the number of hours of labor needed to run society though - Kropotkin estimated we'd need far fewer than 40 hours of labor a week to run a just aand equitable society with the technology of the 19th century. Today we would need far less than what he wrote. I imagine a future where we work 4 to 6 hours a day for only half a week - and instead of working for money to buy things we merely take what we need when we need it. Housing, food, healthcare all provided for without needing to exchange money to get them.

    Work sucks when it's not voluntary and you dont have a say in how its run, and it also sucks when its 8 hours or more a day for 50 weeks a year. A socialist society could make it so what you find unappealing about work is no longer the case - not 8 hours a day by 6 or 4. Not a 5 day work week or more if your boss decides, but a 3 day work week that you pick and choose along with generous vacation time. You vote for your manager and have an important democratic impact on your workplace. You get enough that you can retire at 45 after starting proper work at 25. And there are other benefits: instead of producing for profit with shit materials you can produce for need something of quality that's long lasting and get to exercise the human drive for mastery as well as the satisfaction of having made something that will last generations.

    Dont get me wrong, we should still aim for FALGSC but we dont need full general AI and digging minerals and lithium from the earth for billions od robots and silicon in order to make a society where work doesnt suck.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      4 years ago

      This may be a hot take but I think we've had the ability for 500+ years to make a society where work doesn't suck.