These tory fucks gut our health service, encourage people to clap on their doorsteps every week to show support for the health service during the first wave of the virus to hide their evisceration of funding for it and how fucked it is, hype-up an old man raising money for the health service like its supposed to be a fucking charity, fail to stop the virus because it's a neoliberal hellhole, fail to stop the virus some more because it's still a neoliberal hellhole and the government is corrupt and exceptionally stupid, then the virus kills the old man after its also killed well over 100,000 other people in the country, so the government ask us to take to our doorsteps and clap for him.
Either I'm going completely fucking insane or the rest of the country is, and I'm entirely convinced it's them even though I just keep switching between maniacally laughing and wanting to scream FUUUUUUCK at the sky
imagine the government having a day of national mourning for someone they just pushed into a woodchipper
it's basically that
I don't know what this concept is, as i've been completely tuned out of life/politics here for a few months, but
Either I’m going completely fucking insane or the rest of the country is
Its the country. Always has been.
Oh wow this ancient, decrepit war criminal child murderer Anglo motherfucker is raising money to help the British Government murder more dissidents with Covid. Applause! Zoom call!
Liberals are morally disgusting people
Oh wow this ancient, decrepit war criminal child murderer
killing nazis is pretty based m8
Not if you’re British
British just as bad, look at everything they did in India
Unirconically British people have caused the most harm ever. Ireland, India, Africa. Plus they spawned the states of USA and Australia.
he shot more nazis than you did m8
one of the only wars in history that was actually justified
Stopping nazism was NOT the pretext to WWII lmfao what is this take
you really enjoy throwing out weird as fuck takes and generalisations huh
My great-grandfather was a Polish pilot who served in the war. He served in France and then Britain once it fell. He flew Hurricanes and shot down german aircraft. I was very lucky to know him when he was still alive. He mentioned that even though his countrymen fought valiantly against fascism, they still faced extreme bigotry from the British. It’s probably personal bias, but I trust an Anglo as far as I can throw them, and I don’t have upper body strength
to judge people based on what random bit of soil they were born on
we're communists for christ's sake
not weird chuds with more worm than brain