Also, for the sake of this hypothetical: Everyone involved is in peak shape.
Ideas for participants, but if you think of someone else, feel free: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Fidel, Raul, Che, Sankara, Hugo, Maduro, Evo, Lula, Malcolm X, MLK, Fred Hampton, Bernie, Corbyn, Kropotkin, AOC, Ilhan, Rosa, Fantano, the Chapos, TrueAnon, DeVito, John Brown, Xi, Zizek, Greta, Ho Chi Minh, Woody Guthrie, Rage Against The Machine, etc.
John Brown would win if you could trick him into thinking that every one of his opponents were slave owners
Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Sankara, Che, and Fidel/Raul were actual dedicated combat fighters, and Kropotkin was a cavalry officer and explorer. Everyone else isn't really in the running
Yeah, Fidel probably has the edge, though Kropotkin and Sankara are both over 6ft as well, and both have extensive survival experience in harsh conditions. Additionally Kropotkin was formally trained in sword and unarmed combat before WW1 killed those arts, whereas Fidel is a skilled amatuer.
Being a duelist might give one the edge over being a 20th century warrior in hand-to-hand, which might get Marx back in the running, but the ruskies have both dueling culture and vicious wars so
Why is Greta there? More importantly, why are the fucking chapos there?? Living it up in Brooklyn on your podcast money is NOT leftism goddamnit! I will take Rage though, they're cool
Fidel. Mann survived like 300 assassination attempts, was built like a boar and would have Che and Raul to back him up for the first part.
In 1945, Castro began studying law at the University of Havana.[12] Admitting he was "politically illiterate", Castro became embroiled in student activism[13] and the violent gangsterismo culture within the university.[14] After becoming passionate about anti-imperialism and opposing U.S. intervention in the Caribbean,[15] he unsuccessfully campaigned for the presidency of the Federation of University Students on a platform of "honesty, decency and justice".[16] Castro became critical of the corruption and violence of President Ramón Grau's government, delivering a public speech on the subject in November 1946 that received coverage on the front page of several newspapers.[17]
Sounds to me like Fidel was on some nerd shit. T. Sankara was a military officer.
This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
not gonna lie, it is funny imagining something like Fantano getting decked by MLK
Run it through the hunger games simulator and let me know
young stalin. low center of gravity and plenty of moxie
edit: who am I kidding it's Fidel