i always remembered that the rehab patients would make mock cigarettes of out paper to carry around even if it did nothing
i buy pens and lighters just to have something in my hand
now i understand though, i cant drink a beer without wanting something to smoke
im not even craving nicotine i just want to sit down and inhale something
Preach! Five years without smoking, and counting. I know we like to dunk on vapers (with good reason most of the time) but that shit is life-changing.
Yes my lung capacity thanks me every day. I smoked for 12 years. Mostly nonfiltered. I had tried to quit several times, once with smokeless tobacco (snus, not dip) and it never worked. But now when I'm drunk and I watch somebody light up a smoke in a movie I can reach for my vape and kill that craving before it has a chance to get off the ground.