And yeah, $15 is still too low. 4 years is still too long. But there are still 18M people who make less than $10 an hour and increase the wealth of people at the poverty line by like $20B. Not gonna complain too much on this one.
or, if you absolutely have to, give those places a tax credit that pays for the difference and nationalize shit small restaurants
All small restaurants are now co-ops gang
its frustrating that I'm a better neoliberal than the neoliberals. If the Dems actually gave a shit about raising the minimum wage, this would be the retort to "wHaT aBoUt sMaLl BuSinEssEs"
Turning all small restaurants into co-ops would be fucking amazing. Just gotta get them all coordinated with a portion of their monthly profit going to a regional coordination council to help make sure everyone is taken care of even if there's a bad month. Also would allow for the workers to immediately do mutual aid on a mass scale.