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    • trans [they/them,she/her]
      4 年前

      they're still a stateless society, even if they don't self identify as anarchist. I never called the zapatistas anarchists, just stateless socialism.

        • trans [they/them,she/her]
          4 年前

          it seemed more to ask people to stop purity testing them. doesn't sound like they give a shit if someone criticizes China or Cuba or something.

            • trans [they/them,she/her]
              4 年前

              yeah you're right, when I say China should legalize gay marriage and be less shit to trans people, I'm actually doing colonialism.

                • trans [they/them,she/her]
                  4 年前

                  link the thread? idk what you're referring to specifically.

                  and yeah, you can critique imperialist attitudes, but the vast majority of the time, I see that just thrown out as an excuse to not have a discussion about the faults of ML countries. like, we should be able to have a discussion about the CCP's not great attitudes towards lgbtq people, or the working conditions of the working class in Vietnam, without that conversation being immediately shut down by someone throwing out bad faith accusations of justifying imperialism. one can point out the poor treatment of certain people in certain places without wanting to invade or sanction that place.

                  if we refuse to look at why or how things are bad in socialist projects across the world, we will never learn what went wrong to get to that point, and how we can address it in a future effort.

                    • trans [they/them,she/her]
                      4 年前

                      my browser crashed while I was like halfway through a thorough response. plz kill me.

                      my main points were it always feels like any source not directly funded by the Chinese government is dismissed as propaganda, and that's only if I'm not directly insulted for even insinuating a slight flaw with some cis dudes favorite country. and yeah, I don't recall seeing any anarchists cheering on the coup in Bolivia. the difference is anarchists don't really give a shit who is doing the oppressing, just that oppression is bad, and they don't really give a shit if the US likes or doesn't like that place. I don't see many anarchists talking favorably about Israel, or Saudi Arabia, or england, for example. and they're all friends with america. it just so happens some of the countries we don't like also don't get along with america, but that doesn't mean they deserve our support. like, I remember some dude baked flag cookies of socialist countries, plus modern day russia. when I asked why, they said its bc critical support for Russia bc they're enemies of the US. but russia still sucks, even if theyre not friends with america.

                      oh yeah, the link too. think you sent the wrong one. i dont see anything homophobic in that post.

                        • trans [they/them,she/her]
                          4 年前

                          on the last thing, I didn't see that, but of course I don't condone anyone using racist or homophobic attacks against political rivals.

                          but since I've got ADHD my replies are always hard to follow, just know I'm reading your reply point by point, and will be responding point by point. also, gonna post now and just keep on editing for a bit in case Firefox decides to suck again.

                          i dont think going off of just, some random guy who happens to live in x country is a good way to get information. like, remember all the twitter bots praising the bolivian coup from bolivia, or the dumbass rich as hell former landlords from cuba who now own mansions telling everyone how awful it is, or even dumbass broke republicans constantly saying how great america is now that trump became president, despite america being even worse than it was before. looking up just the publicly available information say on the median wages and working hours in vietnam, or chinas laws regarding lgbtq people are objective measures nobody can spin, and that if properly checked, cant be falsified.

                          idk what that paragraph has to do with my point. when im talking about oppressed peoples, im not talking about chuds in cuba getting kicked out. im talking about workers being given very little, or trans people not having equal protection under the law, or racist institutions disproportionately enforcing the laws. those are serious issues happening now in various socialist projects across the world, not a hypothetical future where we deport some chuds.

                          my main point with that is just because a country is a target of US empire building doesnt mean we need to take their side. the US is bad, but that doesnt mean we need to pick a side when they decide some other imperialist behemoth is their new enemy.

                          on the comment, they seemed to be saying they werent the "pooh bear bad" type rather than actually saying "pooh bear bad" and ive used sucking dick as a way to convey that point, and i dont think its inherently homophobic or transphobic or anything. any gender can have a dick, and any gender can suck a dick. thats my hot take.

                          ok, done for now lol

                          nvm. someone found the cookie post. seems like their take on russia was actually pretty popular. the "deleted by creator" is me, saying what youd expect.

                          last edit: ive been doing a set of situp and pushups after every comment or report or action i take on here lately. even if im terminally online, at least ill be in shape doing it.

                            • trans [they/them,she/her]
                              4 年前

                              my general rule of thumb is that if the US claims a country is doing some horrible thing, its probably like 10% true. enough there that they can present some real evidence, and then extrapolate just outright fabrications from there on. like, I have no doubt based on what I've seen China treats the Uyghurs like shit, but whenever I see a circular citation in an article I know they've got nothing to add but speculation at best and misinformation at worst. and like yeah, sadam wasn't a great dude, but he didn't have fucking nukes. there's usually a tiny kernel of truth somewhere, but not usually enough to ever get the american public to feel justified with any sort of intervention.

                              we're spefically talking about whether western anarchists should be critiquing socialist countries. whether or not the US supports or opposes that country doesn't ever factor into my decision. its why rojava can still be good, and Israel can still be bad. I do not give a shit about the opinions of the US government one way or another. I'm always down for some critical support, but I'm not gonna be more or less inclined to offer that support if theyre the enemy of the US government, especially if theyre a large country like russia or China. like, theyre gonna be fine. they don't need your support.

                              and no yeah you're right that guy sucks.