Hey comrades, a lot of you saw that post i made yesterday about my terrible headache. i was doing a lot better today, but out of a sudden the pain is back to a 9.8/10 and it’s spread to my face as well. i phoned my doctor a while ago and he said it was just one of my usual migraines, which makes sense based on the type and intensity of the pain but they have NEVER lasted this long, it’s literally been a little under 36 hours. what if it never goes away? What if its actually brain cancer?

Help me i cant stop crying, i hate to sound like such an attention-seeker, but please send virtual hugs as on top of it all im home alone and i dont have anyone to talk to :((

  • Spartacus [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    that's sucks. i'm a migraine sufferer as well. i didn't see your post yesterday, but hearing that it spread to your face may mean it's progressing. could be a good sign.

    the migraines i get have a pretty steady progression, but only last around 12-24 hrs. but i don't think it's uncommon to have 36-48 hr migraines for some people. a truly hellish experience i can imagine.

    unfortunatly, medicine never really help my migraines, aside from giving me strange hallucinations. maybe calling your doctor again if it gets worse wouldn't be a bad idea.