Girl I know has a brooken broken toe that hasn't healed in months. We're all extremely broke af and she still has pain (and it's swelling and red). Does the United States do free ever in the pnw? How and can I help her without money or knowing anyone with money?
Is it pointed correctly? If not do not try to fix yourself or it will be worse.
Take a lot of NSAID and treat with ice regularly. Tape it to the next toe with medical tape. Do not tape too tight! Wear loose shoe or slipper and avoid activity.
Can confirm...
I broke my pinkie finger once without knowing that I had broken it, then broke it again because it swelled up like a sausage and I refused to quit messing with it. Both times it hurt bad enough that I almost threw up and since I didn't set it properly it healed just a little bit messed up (but mostly functional).