Becoming a spook, handing over lists of British marxists to the government, and writing anticommunist propaganda involving animals whose animated adaptation is funded by the CIA to own the Leninists

What I learned about this dude in school basically amounted to a hagiography

"One of the greatest writers of all time" my ass

  • CommCat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Even if you're some raging anti-Tankie, how can any leftist defend Orwell's list when it's full of racism, anti-semitism and homophobia. Not only did he point out that the people on his list were communists or fellow travellers, but he also noted that they were Jews, homosexuals and he even called the black radical Paul Robeson "anti-white". Paul Robeson always supported striking white miners. No wonder Chuds love Orwell, he was using their language!