• JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Drugs have been used by Europeans and Americans for centuries to subdue and ruin populations

    China with the opium wars. When the Americans/Europeans sailed up the Yangtze to invade China and open the Market to ensure it was Free for opium to be sold and the Chinese people to be reduced to wrack and ruin.

    Before the communists came to power special crews of street cleaners would come in the morning to pick up the dead who had died of overdose or exposure during the night.The average life expectancy was 39

    Entire cities were built off the back of opium money in the USA (the very few that weren't built off the blood of slaves) and many popular American names made their riches off the blood Chinese people (Roosevelt, Delano, Forbes). Yale university was built with opium blood money.

    When the Communists pushed out the imperialist dogs out of China the US then began it's drug production in what would be called the "Golden Triangle" (Myanmar/Thailand and Laos).

    Creating drug lords and turning those countries into narco states had the effect of “creating a pro business pro capitalist and anti communist and anti PRC social fabric” ( Peter Dale Scott, American War Machine : Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan p.78 ).

    Not to mention using drugs against their own internal populations to suppress them.

    "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people," former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper's writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.

    "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." https://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html

    The US and KMT also utilied literal ex-nazis .

    It is no surprise then that under US occupation of Afghanistan opium production is the highest it has ever been.

    The dip in opium production in 2001 was due to Taliban outlawing it before the US invaded.

    So when Col Lawrence Wilkinson says "we are not in Afghanistan to state build" he is being candid and honest. The CIA is there to make money off the opium trade (as they did in the Golden Triangle) to A) Finance reactionary lumpen proletarians into Mafia style organisations using the money from opium production and B) to prevent a coherent Afghan State arising to defend it's peoples interest which would expel the foreign invaders and C) the primary reason, to be able to attack China

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Thamks, I'll save that stuff on my phone for now until there's somewhere to put it. I'm doing some writing on the opiate crisis and that's what gave me the idea for the zine thing actually!

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Actually on that note @JoeySteel , I'm trying to archive good posts so people can add art, make it look good and printable so users have an easy resource to put together pamphlets or zines or whatever here's the thread about it: https://hexbear.net/post/95737

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            4 years ago

            For some reason I couldn't space down on the last post but could I use your post here for a sample of what could be done with the idea to get people excited? Wouldn't want to without permission.

    • regenerativedespair [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Not to mention using drugs against their own internal populations to suppress them.

      The quote you cited literally says it was the criminalization of the drugs, not the drugs, which was used to suppress people.

        • regenerativedespair [she/her]
          4 years ago

          the fact that bad people sell drugs, doesn't mean that drugs are inherently, or even contextually, bad. the narrative of your essay equates drug use with social decline quite explicitly, which is a reactionary take.

          • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            The CIA flooded black communities with crack to destroy them as a people, used the finances they got from trafficking in crack cocaine to fund overthrows of governments in South america.

            drugs are inherently, or even contextually, bad.

            Drugs are contextually bad and reactionary in the contexts i've given - being used against peoples to destroy them (either forced on them at gunpoint like China then Myanmar/Thailand/Laos and now Afghanistan) or used to destroy captive populations inside the imperial empire (such as blacks in US or alcohol to destroy native american populations)

  • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    that vid got me permabanned on r/de .... ,

    i always use it ala , "If your out of the Loop , here in video form "Why this Uigurs issue is important for the West"

  • TimeCubeEvangelist [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Ron Paul Institute's 2018 Washington conference.

    In 2007, Lawrence Wilkerson, a nonresident fellow at the institute, said that "the Jewish lobby in America" and "AIPAC in particular" played an outsize influence in the run-up to the war and had more of an impact than the belief that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. Wilkerson singled out Jewish officials like George W. Bush's national security aide Elliott Abrams, former deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz and former Defense Policy Advisory Board Chairman Richard Perle.

    imperialist is mad that America is doing imperialism but he can't admit he's against imperialism so he scapegoats Jews

  • MalarkeyDetected [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    A little more context to the situation:

    Between 1990 and 2016, the Xinjiang region was shaken by thousands of terrorist attacks traced to the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

    Other members have fought with al-Qaeda in Syria and other countries “for so-called battle practice” before returning to Xinjiang.

    The U.S. has provided ideological support to separatist movements in Xinjiang through various “non-governmental organizations,” like the World Uyghur Congress, an outfit funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, long a front group for U.S. interference in other countries’ affairs.

    ETIM was designated a terrorist organization by the United Nations in 2002. It calls for the separation of Xinjiang from the rest of China in order to establish an ultra-right theocratic state. Luring people in with the promise of paradise, the ETIM has assaulted traditional Uyghur culture by forbidding people from making music, drinking wine, singing and dancing, or crying at funerals. ETIM also proclaims that taking out bank loans or allowing women to work and earn money is not permissible, not halal.

    Pro-CPC Uyghurs including imams like Juma Tahir, who condemned the ETIM/Turkestan Islamic Party and the recent foreign far-right Salafi jihadist influence which threatened traditional Uyghur culture and traditional Uyghur Islamic practices, have been attacked by Salafi terrorists. Juma Tahir, who was the Uyghur imam of the largest mosque in China known for warning followers to not fall "into traps set by exiled separatists" and opposed recent adoptions of foreign ultra-conservative Salafi customs like burqas/face veils/niqab that were not part of traditional Uyghur culture, was recently assassinated by young Uyghur Salafi extremists. Aini Aishan who had been radicalized by terrorists and was involved in the assassination plot had only a middle school education. Tahir's predecessor was nearly killed by terrorists years before.

    The World Uyghur Congress with funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (a CIA cutout) refused to condemn the murder of Juma Tahir. The Turkey-based Uyghur Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association endorsed the killing of Juma Tahir, praised attacks in Xinjiang, posted on its website content from the Turkistan Islamic Party/ETIM, and also sent Uyghurs on missions in Syria during the Syrian Civil War.

    From an IBTimes article:

    Uighur fighters trained by the Islamic State in Iraq have vowed to plant the jihadists' black flag in China promising that the country will "flow in rivers of blood".

    In a video released on social media and authenticated by the SITE terror monitoring website, the ethnic Uighur fighters in Iraq from western China's Xinjiang region vow revenge against the country's communist government in a half-hour long video.

    In the footage, which shows the Isis fighters from the majority Muslim ethnic group training, one shot shows an image of Chinese President Xi Jinping followed by a burning Chinese flag.

    "Hey, brothers. Today, we are fighting with infidels across the world. I'm telling you this: Don't be complacent in this. Stay strong," one of the fighters says, according to Uighur speakers who analysed the video for Reuters.

    The Chinese government has expressed concern over Uighurs who have fought for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, travelling illegally to the region via Southeast Asia and Turkey.

    In response to a surge in Islamophobic rhetoric on social media in China after some of the terrorist attacks, the CPC banned Islamophobic speech on the internet and social media.

  • abdul [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    CIA: We are literally the ones responsible for destabilizing China.

    China: Fuckin' Uyghurs. Round 'em up.

    • Harukiller14 [they/them,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      That is not how it works lol you can pretty much guarantee the CIA is helping to fund these separatist groups and they'll use claims of religious freedom to do it (sounds familiar right?)

      There is no way China can just go "oh my bad lemme just arrest the CIA" they can only curb the terrorism which I gotta say, reeducation seems to be a better way than killing untold amounts of Muslims like the US has and is doing.

      • fuckwit [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        they can only curb the terrorism which I gotta say, reeducation seems to be a better way than killing untold amounts of Muslims like the US has and is doing.

        this sounds like a major yikes moment

        • Harukiller14 [they/them,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Oh yikes moment guys!! Haru may be cancelled!!

          The Chinese are trying to stop the CIA from radicalizing the locals, the USA is deciding to use depleted Uranium on Iraqis and I CANT TELL WHICH ONE IS WORSE!!!!!!!!

              • fuckwit [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                come, now. You don’t think something stinks whenever someone says ‘suppress minority group because terrorism’?

                Also not sure what Iraq has anything to do with anything

                • Harukiller14 [they/them,comrade/them]
                  4 years ago

                  Absolutely but you don't actually think China is just crushing these people without any thought do you? You're telling me the CIA can find the hair on a flies ass with a spy satellite, but they can't show us footage of mass executions in China? Even here a former member of the intelligence community is straight up telling you the USA is willing to invade a completely unrelated nation in order to fuck with China and radicalize people there for a strategic advantage and still there are people in this thread talking about China's supposed brutality. And all this coming from a nation that has been at war with muslims for a majority of my entire life. For a lot of users here, they don't even know a world where the USA isn't killing Muslims, and I'm supposed to take their word about what's happening in China? Fuck no.

                  Be critical of China yes. Suppressing minorities is bad, stopping them from practicing their religion is bad, but allowing the CIA to radicalize and destabilize them? Do you not see the obviously fucked position China is in?

                  • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
                    4 years ago

                    Another wrinkle in this whole thing is that the US was bombing these particular muslims as recently as 2018. And now we're supposed to believe the US is just so concerned with their plight?

      • abdul [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Totally, what do those stupid illiterate minorities know about anything? It makes way more sense to intern as many of them into forced labor camps as possible under the guise of "re-education" instead of rooting out actual terrorists like the CIA. It worked* for the states when they attacked afghanistan and iraq instead of the saudis, why shouldnt China be allowed to recycle the same talking points for their own gain?

        *allowed the MIC and Capital at large to line its pockets while countless innocent peoples lives were ruined

        • Harukiller14 [they/them,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Totally, what do those stupid illiterate minorities know about anything?

          Lol go fuck yourself, this minority right here doesn't need to respond to garbage ass comments from garbage ass users.

          instead of rooting out actual terrorists like the CIA.


          • abdul [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            I have real life stuff to attend to, so I'll just repost what i said the last time i had the energy to engage with you braindead freaks about this and go about my day. I'm not expecting you to read any of this, but maybe it'll help other people apply an ounce of critical thinking before supporting what could be described most generously as mass religious persecution


            Here is how China has described the concentration camps in their own words.

            Based on local demand and employment conditions, they set up training programs in the making of garments, footwear and hats, food processing, assembly of electronic products, typesetting and printing, cosmetology and hairdressing, e-business, and other courses.

            Sounds like an awful long way of saying “forced labor camp” but let’s chalk that up to bad translation

            Many trainees were influenced by religious extremism

            Uh, what about the ones that weren’t influenced by religious extremism at all? Why exactly are they even there?

            Confession, repentance, and willingness to receive training are preconditions for leniency

            Wait, I thought this was a job training program? Why do I have to confess to something I never did just to learn how to stitch fabrics…

            Through training, trainees have gained rudimentary vocational skills, and some of them have completed their study at the centers and found jobs.

            Oh wow! A tiny portion of them have been released and allowed to be paid for their labor! I’m sure that really put a smile on the face of everyone else stuck making shoes until they die.

            Trainees can have home visits on a regular basis and can ask for leave to attend to private affairs

            They can ask to leave! They’ll be denied, and no discussion was entertained as to how often these requests are fulfilled if at all, but clearly the important thing is that they were theoretically allowed to ask, just as marx intended.

            Trainees may not organize and participate in religious activities at the centers

            Muslims pray 5 times a day. So to hold them in a detention center for an undisclosed period of time, with no leave, and no ability to even pray sure sounds like religious persecution to me. And that’s if we are taking the most literal possible interpretation of what religious activities mean. Pardon my language but…something tells me the ccp has taken a slightly more liberal interpretation.

              • abdul [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I see we're taking the "bury him in copy/paste and hope it makes me look smart" tact here so allow me to cut through some of the bullshit.

                These are the people at the centers and the how: "1. People who were incited..."

                Literally, just stop right there.

                Who exactly are they referring to with this choice of words?

                People who went to a mosque one time?

                What does it mean to be fucking "incited" as it is different from the rest of the criteria listed? Because it doesn't mean they actually did anything. Do you have any fucking clue how vague any of this is? Has it occurred to you that this may have been purposeful? and while we are at it

                people who participated in terrorist or extremist activities in circumstances that were not serious enough to constitute a crime

                literally, what the fuck does this even mean? They're straight up lifting the bush line about the dangers of "unindicted co-conspirators" to make innocent people look like they deserved to be put in fucking gitmo. What happened to your brain that you were able to read this and reach the conclusion that defending it was the right thing to do? holy shit. I would need to be the biggest masochist on earth to keep reading any of this, so I'll take another break here for now.

    • transphobe_puncher [she/her]
      4 years ago

      China's actions against the Uighurs are necessary to deal with a troublesome and potentially dangerous population. Better to re-educate terrorists than to exterminate them, don't you agree?