Remember to act your wage

  • ami [they/them,he/him]
    3 years ago

    Used to bust my ass at this warehouse job for $9hr. I genuinely liked physical labor and putting in earbuds and lifting shit to music is very zen.

    Got pulled aside by the owner one day and was told I make everyone uncomfortable because I never speak to anyone and I just "go right to work without saying hello like you don't have a care in the world." (This was a small business and I was the only employee that did physical labor and worked in the warehouse alone. Everyone else worked in the front.)

    I literally cut my work in half after that. Would go to work and just sleep in the bathroom. Kept that up until I got my last check and just stopped showing up.

    • mwsduelle [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Never give 100%. Your normal performance should be 50% so if there's ever a crisis you only need to go up to 60%. I used to work in a warehouse with like 5 people and we would fuck around so much. Sleeping on piles of cardboard, box jumps onto stacks of pallets. The best part was the warehouse manager really just didn't care. He would often be the impetus behind slacking off like one time he said, "I bet you can't beat the forklift in a race across the warehouse." and we stopped working for 20-30 minutes to do a few time trials (I won).