A function of this impeachment shit is to distract from them not doing anything substantial about covid. If they had helped people from day one rather than waste 3 weeks on this, then nobody would care there was even a trial at all. People would be happy just being taken care of and not tuned into the drama of catty septuagenarians and exasperating worry warts. They need people to be invested in their petty political drama because they think that shit is real politics.

Once again they have been handed a huge L and are super cringe right now trying to justify why acquittal is actually good. It's now been three weeks hence inauguration, and so far we got a bunch of half-assed EOs that sound good until you dig into the details. Vaccine distribution is better in the sense that the new admin has let in even more vultures to gain some profit off the distribution. That equates to your national chain pharmacy maybe sort of getting you vaccinated with unquantifiable expediency.

But what's going to happen now? The vaccine button can't be mashed any harder than Democrats are willing to mash it. The political spectacle has been murdered by people who know how to do politics. There's no major repercussion of 1/6 that warrants people continuing to act like it was the end of the world. We're pretty much a month into Biden and there doesn't seem to be anything left. Even the Gamestop hearing shit won't move the needle because the only people left caring are people who browse r/wsb 24/7 and don't watch the news anyways.

Most people aren't going back to brunch. Everyone has gotten a taste of the drama. Despite the past 4 years being traumatizing to the lib brain, it was also exciting and eventful. Everyday there was something going on with Lev Parnas and Russia. You can't just give people constant happenings for years and expect them to quit cold turkey. There will have to be something to fill that gap and I'm afraid that Sleepy Joe isn't exciting enough on his own.

After The Squad tweets some more about how all this is unacceptable and we must continue to pursue justice, what is the next big thing?

I'm going to guess we'll turn to foreign policy. There's going to be some major thing to which we all need to pay attention. Some major threat. Russia? China? Iran? South America? Something. Maybe a string of show trials for Trump's cabinet or something as little treats peppered throughout.

All I know is that the lib media and Democrats absolutely need the drama of the Trump admin if they want to keep their audiences happy. If all this stuff disappears and there's nothing to replace it, that's going to cause some whiplash.

  • Express [any,none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You are terminally online. The average person doesn’t know what ‘the squad’ is. The average lib is just happy things are ‘going back to normal.’ The world stage doesn’t care about the spectacle of Trumps impeachment and by and large the majority of libs don’t either outside of rambling at TV about how immoral the republicans are.

    Large military intervention is probably off the table as well, the US public still isn’t ready for another overt war. If I was to take a guess Biden’s next big move will be to increase trade among the Anglo-sphere and try to unite it with ASEAN to revive a more acceptable version of the TPP to the public. RCEP was a huge symbolic blow to the US and the neoliberals will want to correct that so they can reestablish partnerships with their allies and bring back some of the prestige of the Anglo alliance. Also I have a suspicion that RCEP was accelerated along a bit by some of the ASEAN nations to force the US to play the other side, but that might be American centric of me.

    Personally I’ve noticed an uptick in British high end goods being shipped to non-western countries and the US wants to continue pushing their ‘tech’ monopolies into every country possible. The media will laud this action as raising up America.

    The big shitstorm around the corner is midterms elections when the half of the country you should be paying attention to for spectacle politics will usurp the democrats majority because the Chinese are using old Soviet tungsten rods to attack American power plants or something equally ridiculous. That is the energy that has to find a new funnel now that Trump isn’t around to channel it.