Clearly teaching the children about Angela Davis made their test scores go down
Chapo -> teacher pipeline to save america by turning everyone under 15 into militant dirtbag leftists.
When you have Chairman Fred in the background
my middle school had us dress up like puritan pilgrims and then enthusiastically endorse European settlement of the Americas
there were some kids who dressed up as native americans too who were instructed to fall over to simulate death from smallpox
Then we sang a song about how God loves everyone and loves the USA especially
I would have wept if I had a teacher who talked about Angela Davis in positive terms
Love having a cracker trying to say what black kids can and can't learn about lmfao
When you systematically divest funding from black communities and public schools for decades at a cataclysmic scale and then teachers try to give "poor performing" (read: unstable households due to fucked economic conditions) children some inspiring role models that look like them and tried to make things better for their people: :shocked-pikachu:
Jesus Christ. The comments about the face mask. These people exist.
yes he's a satanic reptile:
Writer, @CityJournal
Incisive commentary on urban policy, politics, and culture. Published by @ManhattanInst
Nooo, you can't define things in positive terms, you must use Hegelian sublation of dialectic conflicts only!!!
Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
The German Ideology - Karl Marx 1845 related to the diverging ideas of Marx's, Engels as associates of the Jung Hegelians with the rest (Max Stirner, Bruno Bauer, David Friedrich Gauß, Feuerbach etc) and the Alt Hegelians.
The relevant part against Feuerbach and his idealistic materialism is this (from 11 thesis about Feuerbach):
11th thesis:
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.
Yes, that Stirner.
This is the guy who got dunked on because he was in a barbershop and busted in his pants because he thinks barbershops are the last refuges of masculinity. How much you want to bet he has never done a day of hard labor?
Did you know its a personal insult to point out someone's employer? I learned that in the comments
that doesn't say to define communism is positive terms, it says to use a... oh.
Teacher leads students to LARP a rally chanting "Black Power!" and "Free Angela!"
Lol this is adorable and based.