Fahrenheit is a fuck. Everyone should use Celsius.
Edit: I will not take criticism from Am*****ns
It is currently -40 for me. That is so cold I don't need to specify.
Fahrenheit is a fuck. Everyone should use Celsius.
Edit: I will not take criticism from Am*****ns
It is currently -40 for me. That is so cold I don't need to specify.
The argument I've always heard is that fahrenheit is ~more intuitive~ or human or something because like "0 in F is cold to a human and 100F is hot to a human so it means something, whereas 0 in C is just normal and 100C is death" as if that makes any fucking sense - like bitch its all subjective, I can't just say hot or cold to people in Egypt and Russia and expect them both to understand it as the same thing. What they would both understand is the temperature at which a puddle freezes and what boiling water feels like, and the scale between those two points. It was literally called CENTigrade - cent as in hundred, or percent. Its just a precentage from literally freezing to literally boiling, anyone from anywhere can understand that.
Fahrenheit isn't 'intuitive' to humans or whatever, its intuitive to americans because they've been raised with it for 30 years or whatever. Thats the only way that even they have to understand it, just experience and comparison. Its a bullshit scale for bullshit people and I'm going to fight someone over it :angery:
This is the temperature equivalent to when some guy said French is the language of science and German is the language of literature, and some German guy said the exact opposite.
Fr though this issue does not exist in any capacity. If you were just going off the comments here you'd think people were dying of heatstroke and hypothermia left and right because they were confused over what the numbers in c meant.
How dare you imply that what people are getting salty about on the internet isn't a real issue? I'll have you know that we only discuss Serious Things on this shitposting forum smh
r/shitamericanssay would have a field day with this thread
Isn't 0 C dangerous?
if you're healthy and dressed for it 0C shouldn't do anything to you, you might not enjoy it but you'll be fine, although i guess it depends what your local climate is.