Simple question - do we get taco/food trucks? My partner says no, and this makes me sad

  • InternetLefty [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You'll still be able to get tacos, so if the majority of the politically enabled people of your town support a way to distribute food like tacos via trucks to others, I don't see why not.

    Obviously under communism (a post-class society) there will be no private property and no commodity production, so the food truck or trucks would be owned by all the people through the democratic organization of the state. Either by a direct vote or indirectly through elected representation, this organ would direct the production and distribution of the commodity (tacos) to the people.

    • pooh [she/her, any]
      3 years ago

      I wonder how difficult it would be to set up free community supported taco trucks in the current system, maybe similar to the BPP free breakfast programs. Seems like free tacos would be a pretty great recruitment tool.

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If there aren't taco trucks serving al pastor then it can't be authentic communism.

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Food trucks were hack so people could start a restaurant without opening a building, and have since been co-opted by capitalism.

    In Communism, if you want to start a restaurant, it would be easier since rent would be much lower/non-existent. There would also be no competition from giant corporations making shit food from a factory.

    I personally would design the taxes/social structure so that lots of people opened up restaurants/food trucks. Food should be good, and people should be able to have fun making it

  • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
    3 years ago

    No. You will have to get tacos from the state taco car in the state food train. Luckily it stops outside your work for the full duration of your hour lunch break.

    • pooh [she/her, any]
      3 years ago

      What about taco-carrying drones that deliver them straight to your mouth within minutes.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    People are entirely capable of making tacos while having a vampire suck their blood and surplus labor - they can make tacos without the vampire too. I'm pretty sure you could find a lot of people who would be happy to work in food trucks.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I’m pretty sure you could find a lot of people who would be happy to work in food trucks.

      Especially if you worked less often and your standard of living was pretty good.

      A big reason people people look down on whole classes of jobs is that under capitalism they're a grind that doesn't even produce decent living conditions. Change that and you change how people value different jobs.

  • hazefoley [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If your idea of communism isn't luxury communism then I don't want it. Give me tacos

  • Classic_Agency [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Tacos are a symbol of bourgeois white european settler colonial decadence and thus they will be banned after the revolution and anyone found making or distributing tacos will be deported to the Florida gulag.

    • 4bicycles [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I do not approve of toying with my feelings like that.

      Fuck me I want Food Trains.

      Also I want food in Trains goddamnit we used to have this shit why do we not anymore

  • snackage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Will people want taco trucks? -yes

    Will there be people who want to make tacos ? -yes

    ergo there will be taco trucks (but electric)