Stolen from reddit user u/yuritopiaposadism

Heavy schadenfreude for these survivalist cunts. Uncritical solidarity with all the ordinary Texans suffering the effects of a looted and hollowed out infrastructure finally giving up the ghost.

  • Wmill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Heads up to everyone but if you really need to open a can just scrape the top on concrete. The seam will break loose allowing you access to those beans.

    Also get a cast iron Dutch oven, I found mine on Amazon but managed to fuck them over on the delivery so happy. With these bad boys you can cook outside if you need to on coals or make a pit. Take care of it and it will get you far. You can cook stews, bread, and beans. Just rinse and soak the beans before hand.

    I know all this not because I'm a survivalist btw just poor and surviving under capitalism. Also beans store well when dry, stock up on chickpeas and lentils besides pinto. Give your cats access to these supplies because they will keep rats at bay.

      • Wmill [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Not yet but in two years I'll be one :michael-laugh:

        • Asia_Set [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Damn dude sorry to hear that lol, but I guess at least you're keeping your volcel pledge

          • Wmill [he/him]
            4 years ago

            One day I'll shall amass more power than the volcel police and overthrow them Thanks comrade, it's not too bad. There are other ways to have fun like making jokes and reading theory
