All I can think is “these are going to get worse and happen more often, for the rest of my life”. Pretty fucking disheartening and tragic, hearing about people being frozen to the pavement in Texas and knowing it’s just the tip of the iceberg :doomer:

Stay safe Texan comrades.

  • VernetheJules [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Yeah I mean looking at how people reacted to covid and just doubled down, I'm pretty sure that's how climate change is gonna go

    It'll just be easier to write off everyone's lives with a Darwinian approach in the name of "freedom"

  • Kodokushi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The doomer in me comes out when we see these signs of the bread basket/large scale ag regions failing to keep up with these weather events at an industrial level which creates food scarcity and drives prices up for millions of already struggling people. Subsistence farming is a privilege and a community garden can’t save a whole neighborhood. Overwhelmed just thinking about it

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Solving the climate problem would be moving to greater than 100% renewable (using extra to sequester green house gases) 20 to 50 years ago while completely rebuilding our infrastructure to handle extreme weather events AND also moving to a degrowth society/past capitalism. Anything short of that is disaster, just a question of the length of the time line.

  • sandinista209 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    When the media describes them all as “once in a lifetime” disasters but they keep happening every year.

  • thomasdankara [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think it's really cool living through dozens of "once in a lifetime events" during a single year.

    Things only seem to get worse, and I only seem to get more doom-pilled. :doomjak: