like i legit have never seen any images from the past couple years with that many hammers and sickles and communist imagery in one place, like MAYBE north korea. I'm not really educated on india rn, and idk if anyone has any kind of grasp on the situation there so i figured i'd ask here lol

  • MoralisticCommunist [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I highly doubt it, the left in India while still pretty strong has been declining for years in the face of the far right. Kerala is the main stronghold of communist strength in India right now though they lost a lot of seats in other parts of the country this past decade. As far as militant communists in India, the most notable force are the Naxalite Maoists which are growing weaker every year, though they likely still number in the tens of thousands and have footholds in many tribal areas.

    • HarryLime [any]
      3 years ago

      I wish people here would stop stanning the Naxalites, or acting like they're important to the larger communist movement or what's happening in India now- they have a long history of assassinating communist leaders in India. There are multiple communist parties in India that have far more power and influence than the Naxalites.