It's good to remember all the time, not just right now. No one knows where you live. Who you work for. Your name. Everything is a lie. Everything is the truth. Protect yourselves, comrades.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    3 years ago

    If you're really worried about government tracking there's pretty much nothing you can do other than go off the grid. Governments and agencies definitely have access to all that personal information that is gathered 24/7. And besides, I'm a 27 year old chicken farmer in Albania, why would the government care about me.

    The people you really need to worry about are the terminally online fascists, the 4chan types who have nothing better to do than dox some online leftist. Fascists have a habit of doxing people in the LGBTQ+ community, and if they get their hands on your public information they could do something abhorrent like give it to dangerous fascists near you or tell your family that you're a pedophile.