Let the hunt for the Secret Comrade begin.

    4 years ago

    Could also be Battle hymn of the Republic, or the Engineers Hymn.

    Lyrics include:

    An Artsman and an Engineer once found a gallon can, Said the Artsman, "Match me drink for drink as long as you can stand." They drank three drinks, the Artsman fell, his face was turning green. But the Engineer drank on and said; "It's only gasoline."

    An Artsman and an Engineer were stranded on a boat, One above capacity, the damn thing would not float, The Engineer flipped a coin to settle the dispute, But the coin fell in the water and the Artsie gave pursuit.

    A wide-eyed Artsie Chemist and a Chemical Engineer, Were formulating molecule equations over beer. Each drank a glass of water, but the Artsie hit the floor, For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.

    So now you’ve heard our story and you know we are the Engineers, And when we all shall graduate, we’ll all have great careers. An Engineer’s starting wage can pull in 60 G’s, While an Artsie with a PHD can work at Mickey D’s.

    A man sat in a tavern with a lovely looking lass And stared when for the nineteenth time she raised and drank her glass "You've out-drunk four strong men, and half the bar my dear" The maiden smiled sweetly, said "I'm an Engineer!"

    Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride, To show all of the villagers her lovely bare white hide; The most observant villager, an Engineer of course, Was the only to notice that Godiva rode a horse.

    The modern Engineer must be politically correct, No more motors lubricating, no more buildings rise erect, No more electrical capacitors whose plates are high and fair Instead of problem solving let's just sit around and care.

    And on the occasion these engineers get lost while drunk, you bet they have a verse for that:

    We're lost, we're lost, we're lost, we're lost, we don't know where we are, We came, we came, we came, we came, we came to find a bar. Don't come, don't come, don't come, don't come, don't come along with us, For we don't know where the hell we are but fuck we're on a bus!