...but please stay healthy comrades. The revolution needs healthy people. Moderation is key. Stay hydrated. Eat well. Hit the gym. Capitalism drives down the proles, making them turn to drugs and alcohol so they do not revolt. Do not fall for it.

A fascist hit the gym today, did you?

  • Baader [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yes, you're right. However, this also only goes for drugs like coke, opioids, meth etc. Basically, when you tell your brain to release more serotonine, it also developes more receptors. These receptors dismantle over time, but it takes way longer. When one feels craving that's the receptors screaming for hormones. The more receptors the harder they scream. Therefore it can take month, maybe years for some people, depending on their drug and dose. That's the reason i find "psychological" addiction very missleading. It's not your mind that's making up the need for the drug, it's the receptors.

    Your brain will not create more serotonine receptors form one or two trips/rolls/lines/whatever. The quantity makes the poison. Except for acid. There are reports of people mixing up acid crystals with coke and snorting a line, which is about 100 - 500 doses of lsd. They all had a very bad trip but felt great afterwards. Oh, just found the article. It's in German but anyways: https://www.vice.com/de/article/pkeqd8/lsd-acid-das-passiert-bei-einer-uberdosis