• Pezevenk [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Jesus fucking christ I am reading through that sub and... Pls tell me this stuff is ironic? There is so much eugenics, classism and absolutely horrible categorization of people into "high value" and "low value". It's not immediately obvious but there are some highly upvoted posts which are extremely creepy. It is incredibly mean spirited, it's like a "feminist" incel sub, wtf...

    I can show some sympathy since I know there is a good chance a lot of the women there have been victims of sexual assault so I can understand maybe going a bit overboard with some things generally but some of the posts are unreal.

      • Bedulge [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Another which said Hillary Clinton turned a blind eye to her husband being a huge sexual predator in her pursuit of personal power (also true).

        Is that radical? that's what my mom and aunts (life long GOP-supporters and anti-feminists) believe

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think at least some of these people may be republicans or at least close to republicans so the Clinton thing isn't as surprising. I know a terf that has been moving towards the GOP for a while because she thinks the dems are too friendly towards trans people. Last election she was saying she wanted Biden to win but also didn't want the dems to win the senate.

        I dunno, it's weird, definitely seems like there is something important and some truth behind some of the attitudes there, but the conclusions they get to are just creepy a lot of the time...

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      3 years ago

      the entire game/sexual strategy/pua subculture is like this. they apply this sort of pseudoscientifc thinking to relationships and human psychology so they can transform their desires, biases, and anxieties into objective facts. even if their cargo-cult approach to manipulating other people has a less than even success rate, it gives them a rigid structure to hang their understanding of the world on.