absolute suffering

indescribable pain

  • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    that's not much of a surprise to learn. even then tho, as an american, I'm coming at it from a perspective where supporting m4a and a green new deal is a slippery slope to getting sent to the gulag.

    do french parties have a barrier to entry to get into parliament? I know in germany, if a party doesnt have something like 5%, even if they win their district they cant get in.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      French presidential elections are runoff elections where a second round is held between the two candidates with most votes of neither got a majority in the first round.

      Elections for the national assembly are FPTP elections much like in the US or UK. The senate is elected indirectly by an electoral college fair each department consisting of elected officials like local councillors. The districtinc of senate seats greatly favours rural areas and the right.

      • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        that sounds worse than I thought. i didn't know there was a national assembly and senate. sounds like the legislative branch of France exists to create confusion just like here in the us.

        being familiar with turkey, the fact that the turkish state(akp) modeled their new constitution after the French one was enough for me to conclude that the French system was garbage.