Completely unrelated but I just remembered that missionary who went to ”Satan’s last stronghold on Earth” and was killed by the natives of the island. Dope.
Completely unrelated but I just remembered that missionary who went to ”Satan’s last stronghold on Earth” and was killed by the natives of the island. Dope.
The story of John Chau the missionary who tried to convert the North Sentinelese people is pretty interesting; his 'training' consisted of running around a forest in Virginia while a bunch of white actors hired to play 'natives' spoke a made up language and he 'converted' them
should have practised dodging arrows
tbf on his first attempt an arrow apparently struck his Bible and he escaped, only to return the next day..
so the Lord gave him a sign, protected him from harm with his Word, yet he ignored Him?
what a bellend
If anything it's proof that whatever religion the Sentinelese have is the correct one