At least he's shooting for a dead end position. New York comrades might have to bite the bullet tho lol
A guy who supports a regressive tax doesn't want to tax the wealthy?:surprised-pika:
wtf is wrong with new yorkers? really thought they had more self respect than supporting this goon
these are the ppl who voted for ghouliani and obungler
he has the highest name rec and people can't campaign traditionally cause of covid
part is cause stringer while having good plans is a boring candidate who cant seem to compete with a media celebrity.
So what, he’s running for mayor (most likely win?) and then using that as a platform for something bigger in the future?
UBI still makes him the lesserest evil if you're into that sort of thing.
Libertarianism (aka "neoliberalism") is the greater evil
wtf no jfc how are ppl falling for his fucking bullshit??? he compared bds to nazis the other week.