• sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Being poor in a capitalist society does make you bad at parenting... because it steals your time, drains your energy, and denies you the resources you need for your children. And we are left to raise kids in the atomized and isolated nuclear family without broad social support, behind closed doors that allow abusive and neglectful dynamics to proceed silently and unquestioned.

    But that's all so complicated, so let's just blame individuals for not being good enough

  • acaboratory [she/her]
    4 years ago

    "People who are bad at managing money" is one of the most infuriating phrases. As if having excess wealth has some correlation to "good money management"

    • buh [she/her]
      4 years ago

      what I hate so much about that argument is they always as an example point to someone who is wealthy enough that even though they might be frugal in some ways, they're rich enough that a little frivolous spending wouldn't be enough to cause them to struggle. if you're earning say $70k a year in a low cost of living city, it doesn't matter if you get starbucks every day or a new iPhone every year, you'll still be able to make rent. I almost never see examples of someone who is making minimum wage but not stressing about money because they're "good at money management". if your wages are low, almost all your money just goes straight to rent and bills and such before you get a chance to "manage" it. saying it's about "how you manage your money" seems to be a way to obscure wealth inequality by implying that it doesn't matter.

      • acaboratory [she/her]
        4 years ago

        This is on point.

        The worst example I've run into is when a coworker said unironically that he thought that part of the reason why Bezos is so rich is because he drives a Prius.

  • isaac_osborn [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This is the kind of argument formulated by someone who physically cannot bring themselves to imagine a scenario where they are not wealthy, and have never experienced any kind of material deprivation; so delude themselves into believing that they are more deserving of their wealth than others. It’s the same bullshit “the poor are poor because they are bad people” rhetoric that has sustained capitalism for years.

  • trax [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    plenty of children from poor households become decent adults, per capita more so than dipshit airhead kids who never dealt with material hardship and deprivation throughout their entire lives. a decent child isn't one who attends an ivy and works ngos to pad their law school application and end up committing their lives to reproducing capitalism interminably