We ended up chatting until 6:30 am and it was really nice. She was coming onto me hard and it came out of nowhere but it felt really good to feel like someone wanted me lmao. I’ve been lonely af for like 2 and a half years. We’ve still been talking today and it’s been super cool. Just a little bit of joy put into this bleak existence.

Edit: and oh yeah, I made a post like a month ago about having a dream about a tall girl with green hair, and this girl literally is taller than me and has green hair. That’d be dope if this went somewhere lmao.

Edit edit: We got to talking about communism because it turns out she works with my cousin who hates me now that I started being more open about my views. She was asking me what communism is about and this is how it went

She wants to drink some white claws and watch that Fred Hampton movie with me.

Lol I feel like I’m in some kind of bit.

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Edit: and oh yeah, I made a post like a month ago about having a dream about a tall girl with green hair, and this girl literally is taller than me and has green hair. That’d be dope if this went somewhere lmao.

    Is this the basis for your concern? I'd say this is more of an argument for keeping your fantasies to yourselves on a political site like this so the FBI/CIA/whichever alphabet agency wouldn't know what to seduce you with than for being literally volcel.

    To OP: if you end up getting white claws with this woman, make sure to watch your drink! If you end up "doing the deed", don't get plastered, and use contraception! These are always good steps to take but they're especially worth remembering if Sexint is a potential danger. Last thing you want is for your political life to get derailed by an unwanted pregnancy. One more thing: ask your cousin (if you're still on speaking terms) if they actually know this person from their job! See if they corroborate this tall green-haired woman's story.

    • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
      4 years ago

      Lmao thank you for the concern, comrade. Another kid would completely derail my life, so I’m super careful about that shit.

      I know this girl and we’ve continued being friends on social media after we messed around back in 2011 for a few weeks, but never really interacted much since then.