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"It is what it is," for when you want to pretend your preemptive surrender to the status quo is humble stoic wisdom
Javascript is a blight upon our society that needs to be wiped out at all costs. Return to flat HTML and rolling your own CSS. The internet was a mistake. :stallman-shining:
i just edited a 14 page document and removed at least 5 instances of the word "dynamic".
This is triggering PTSD for a reality I am currently trapped in
I feel like 2020 was the year of "_____ is living in your head rent-free" as an insult, and I wish it would have stayed there.
damn comrade, it kind of sounds like "living in your head rent-free" is living in your head rent-free :/
"Eigen" - eigenvalue, eigenvector, eigenstate, eigenfunction, eigenspace, eigenbase, eigenna fucking drop academia and become a hermit if this shit keeps up :rage-cry: