I'm not talking about executives. I'm talking about rank-and-file office workers who have nobody reporting to them. Now, while there are probably some individual office workers treated worse than individual warehouse employees, the contrast is stark. Like, I work at the office of a factory. I don't have anybody under me, but the difference between how I'm treated and how they're treated is so stark. Hell, they're even union guys and I'm not.

Is there some obscure theory thing explaining this?

    • skeletorsass [she/her]
      4 years ago

      They are the same class but are tricked to think that they are not. The division is helpful to the capital. It create loyal workers from the top one and aspiration for the bottom.

      Your boss will steal from you every day. Treat them the same.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Anyone who steals from their employer is a comrade of mine. Had a friend who found a way for his dad to double bill his employer and did if for long enough to get them both new trucks and buy a bunch of tools. True hero shit.