So I am about to graduate with a degree in industrial engineering specializing in quality management, but I can't find a job to save my life. One place I applied to, I went through 2 interview rounds a general and a technical interview. You think after all that time I invested into the process you would get a rejection letter or something, but no. Another place I applied to I had worked there as an intern early into my college career, and after the position being up for a week it just disappeared off their website, but is still plastered all over LinkedIn. When I contacted the company they said they had already hired a candidate, after the post had only been up a week. I interned for them for 2 years and wasn't even given a chance to interview. Any advice not to lose hope in what feels like a fruitless job hunt.

  • foxodroid [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I feel you. Graduated with Master's in computer science and i've been unemployed for 5 months so far. I've been told if i "lEarNed tO coDe" i'd be guaranteed a job. Perhaps that was true in my country in the Before Times but it sure as hell isn't now. PM me if you ever want to commiserate on being stuck in recruitement hell.

    The only use of my degree since was correcting and helping rich Saudi Students with their master's degree lol.

    Kinda besides the point but i could swear r/recruitinghell is permanently at the verge of achieving class consciousness, but they never do. I've never seen a place so full of people hyper-aware of capitalist bullshit, yet so incapable of linking the dots.