There’s no fucking way people are paying hundreds of dollars and burning kilos of fuel to “own” an r/art tier png that you just can right-click and save, right? Surely we can’t be this fucking stupid??

  • NonWonderDog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So us plebs, us dumb idiots, might think that art is about aesthetic expression, telling a story, affecting the world or something.

    But participants in the art market know that the true purpose of art under capitalism is money laundering (that or doing Epstein shit through patronage).

    Crypto Art is a massive technological breakthrough, in that it allows purely computerized online images to be Art, and to be used for the purpose of Art, rather than just be images.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ahh this is really clarifying. I knew about how abstract fine art is just basically money laundering. But my initial reaction to Crypto Art was that it was some stupid fetishization of a false "uniqueness". I see now that it really is just an attempt to increase the liquidity of money laundering assets.