I'm being genuine here, some thinks that chacha is an environment for genuine leftist organization while others thinks that this site is just a board to post shit. Forming a consensus around what the purpose of the site is, and developing the site towards that goal will be better for the growth of our community better than any name or any other vanity changes.

  • dontknowoldpassword [love/loves]
    4 years ago

    We can do both but main will need to die and proper tagging and blacklisting would need to be implemented. Once we can filter and contain the shitposts or filter out the serious discussion if you need to then we can become our own pipeline of sorts. Draw in with memes hit with the theory and radicalise some youth.

    That is how i hope this site will devlop and I hope the admin team is making filtering a pirority for the long term success of this site.