Or has the moment passed and the House already voted on the bill?

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I agree with that (minus the last edit)! It shouldn't be excluded, and the fact that Biden and 16% of the Democrats in the Senate spiked it speaks to the limits of electoralism as a whole, not some conspiracy theory that the Squad is selling us out. We should focus on the corporate Dems that are actually selling us out, not doing their bidding by punching left at the Squad.

    If the Squad said "no $15, no vote", the Dem leadership would look for moderate GOP support. Dems would cut a deal with Lisa Murkowski (who almost voted for the bill) or five Republicans in blue districts to water the bill down even further. The "moderate" GOP would chomp at the bit to water down the bill further to stick it to the left.

    • AlexisOhanian [he/him]
      3 years ago

      And they absolutely could not find that, because there is NO ground to be gained. Denying Biden his stimulus is something the Republicans would not budge on, it's key to 2022 for them to make him look as bad as possible.

      It is not punching left to expect our progressive block we tried so hard to get into office to actually stand for something. This is the moment for them to do that and they didn't take it, again.