Or has the moment passed and the House already voted on the bill?

  • AlexisOhanian [he/him]
    3 years ago

    But if anyone could name a single policy of his, it was $15 minimum wage. It's the one he talked about the most, after simply, winning the presidency.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The folks who voted for him didn't care about his policies. Before he won the nomination all they talked about was his electability, and afterwards all they talked about was how shitty Trump was.

      Whatever they did think about his policies, they're not going to hold him to. Look at how obvious the promise of "$2000 checks" was, and how many rank-and-file Democrats are fine with means-tested $1400 checks (and lower unemployment funding). There's no way to hold Biden accountable to his campaign promises period, and that goes double for policies his supporters knew to be insincere, to the extent they knew about them at all.

      • AlexisOhanian [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I kind of feel like there are some people who voted for him because he promised an improvement in their material conditions.

        And even more people who would understand the progressives actually holding him accountable for it.