• Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's incredible how many people get genuinely offended when you point this out. It makes sense if you put it that bluntly but being a western leftist myself it sometimes feels like we see any kind of criticism of our attitudes, beliefs, or tactics as some kind of sabotage to the left (which hardly meaningfully exists here anyway). If someone so much as suggests that we should change the way we approach everyday people we want to radicalize, they get snapped at by a bunch of kids who have never even been part of an org and think it's a personal attack. It's insane, entitled behavior and it sometimes happens here, too.

    • rozako [she/her]
      3 years ago

      That reminds me of another BRG tweet: “ how is the American Left qualified to seize power if it handles minor beef like celebrities and gossip columnists? You want to cancel somebody for saying something that you took out of context and got offended over god knows how you'll deal with the masses who say fucked up shit.”

      Not gonna link it cause I’m on mobile but I’m sure you can find it easily by searching those words on twitter. But yeah, I think westerners in general are so used to individualistic culture and way of living that any critique of their beliefs or approaches gets perceived as an intense attack on THEM, personally, rather than how WE should go about things. If that makes sense? Sorry I’m ESL and always have a hard time describing abstract ideas in English. But I think some western (especially white) leftists should occassionally take a step back and be like “would leftists from the global south think i’m a clown for this? does this really matter THIS much?” a great example of this is the 300+ comments we have on main right now about veganism lol.

      In the end, being a communist surrounded by non-communists is more beneficial than being in an insular community as well. You can learn a lot from them, and they’ll learn a hell of a lot from you by virtue of you being a morally upright person who is vocally advocating for your beliefs, you are always advocating for leftism.